Shirley Vogel - First, she made all the graphics, did most of the testing, and tolerated my neuroses. Second, without her prodding, this game would not exist.
Tim Phillips and Sean Sayrs - The crew from Fantasoft that pulled me on board, sent me sound disks and graphics, provided moral support and the presence of like spirits.
Brandt Despain, Lane Foulk, BeadleB, Bill Millard - For beta-testing for a VERY long time. They tolerated bugs that would send lesser souls screaming into the hills.
Richard Garriott (aka Lord British) - For creating the Ultima series, my biggest inspiration.
The makers of Wizard's Crown, Phantasie, Realmz, Might and Magic, Deathlord, and Wizardry (in that order) - For providing good ideas to crib.
Comedy Central - For playing in the background for several hundred of the hours I spent making this. It's playing right now.
talk.bizarre - For being generally cool.
All my friends - For not killing me when they found out I made them characters in my game.
Spider - My pet tarantula, for its constant support.
Some of the many bands/performers listened to during the making of this game (in no particular order) -
Silly Wizard (Scottish traditional - very excellent)